Learn to Live, Create to Give for the Glory of God!
This is my personal mission statement. I learn best as I create. This is why there are numerous resources on this site you can freely download. My heart’s desire is to share out of the overflow treasure from the Lord that first personally blessed me.
You are welcome to download and print one copy of each of these resources for your personal use and a second copy to share with anyone you are discipling. If you wish to make more than two copies or re-post on another website, please read the Permission Policy.
May the Lord abundantly bless the time you enjoy with Him utilizing these resources!
Looking Upward To Enjoy Daily Time With Jesus
The Treasure of shared Quiet Times
Quiet Time Bookmark
Journey To Hear
(booklet download)
Get F.A. T., Be Beautiful
(booklet download)
Looking Upward To Remember The Gospel
Preaching the Gospel to Yourself Daily
Preaching the Gospel to Yourself Daily
Looking Upward to Know God
Promise Based Follow Up.
Tackle N’ Trust
(downloadable Bible study)
Sharpen Your Sword
(booklet download)
Genesis Bible Study
Looking Upward to Know God’s Incredible Love for You!
You Are Loved
(booklet download)
Pictures of God’s Love
The Princess & The Pig
Looking Upward For Your Identity & Value
Who Am I?
(online course)
Inherently Worthy
(online course)
NOTE: More resources are available on the DOWNWARD page.
With Special Thanks… The resources on this website have been created and made available through the generosity of donors who faithfully give to make my work with The Navigators possible. If you sense the Lord leading you to contribute so additional tools can be developed to freely equip and encourage the body of Christ you may donate here: