
Team Coaching

From the opening verses of Scripture in Genesis 1, as we are introduced to God, we see Him in action teaming.   God the Father is speaking, the Holy Spirit is hovering and all things are being made through Jesus, The Word (John 1:1-3)!

Then in Genesis 1:26-28 we are told God created man in His image.  He doesn’t say, “Let us make one man and let him have dominion,” but let “them.”  We were created to team! Indeed in Genesis 2:18 God goes on to say, “It is not good for man to be alone.”  So God creates a helper for him to team with.

In the New Testament Jesus reveals in John 15:5, we were created to team with each other as well as with God!

I am the vine; you are the branches.
Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit,
for apart from me you can do nothing.

We Were Created To Team,

Yet Teaming Well In A Broken, Fallen World Can Be Difficult

From Abraham and Lot separating over a lack of space to Paul and Barnabas disagreeing over what to do with John Mark to Euodia and Syntyche co-laborers struggling to agree, the challenges of teaming are seen throughout Scripture!

Indeed it is fascinating to consider how not teaming well (as well as teaming with the wrong person) contributed to the Fall in Genesis 3.

One of Paul’s prayers recorded in Scripture highlights the critical need for teaming well in Romans 15:5-6:

May the God of endurance and encouragement grant you to live in such harmony, with one another in accord with Christ Jesus that together you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.

God created us uniquely different from each other so we can help one another. Yet many times those very differences can be the cause of much trouble in teaming, especially if we expect others to think, feel and act as we do!

Both the Clifton Strengths and MCORE assessments provide powerful foundations enabling team members to better understand themselves as well as each other, identify how to better partner together and keep growing intentionally, continuing to develop as a team. When teams are coached through their results knowledge is applied and maximum benefit gained.

This applies to teams of any size, from marriages to campus ministries to executive leadership teams.

To provide an idea of what team coaching can look like, here is a process for coaching teams larger than a couple:

  1. An hour workshop is given for everyone on the team introducing them to the assessments being used.
  2. The leader must be coached through their Full Assessment Results (six hours of coaching for Clifton Strengths, Two hours for MCORE.)
  3. Each team member must be coached through their Top Five Results (1 -2 hours of coaching per person)
  4. A day long workshop is facilitated for the team helping them share what they’ve learned about their talents with each other and consider how to utilize them to achieve greater integration and engagement.
  5. A series of exercises are provided for follow up team meetings facilitated by the team leader.

This coaching process can be tailored to meet the unique needs of a team.

COACHING REQUEST FORM: If you are interested in having your team coached, please fill out a Coaching Request Form. Teams I am able to coach will receive an email with further instructions.

COST: $150/hour
Navigator Staff and Donors receive a 50% discount on coaching.

Team Coaching Request Form


Team Coaching Workbook (Sample)

Destination Unstoppable
by Maureen Monte

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