
Permissions Policy

Without My Permission 

You are free to do the following without my permission:

Link to my site or any specific article on my site.

Extract and re-post less than 200 words on any other site,
provided you link back to my original article. See Re-posting
below for more information.

Print off my article or resources and photocopy up to 50
copies for internal distribution within your own company or
organization. Provided you include this copyright notice: “©
[year], Deb Entsminger. All rights reserved. Originally
published at”

Not Without My Permission

You must have my express written consent to do any of the

Re-posting my articles on the Internet, or copying into an
email, saving a PDF, posting on an electronic bulletin board,
or any electronic form.

Use this content for commercial purposes, or within a
commercial product, including selling or licensing printed or
digital versions of my content.

Alter, transform, or build upon this work.


I do not permit the re-posting of my articles in their entirety. This is
because Google penalizes websites for publishing duplicate
content. Search engines often can’t tell which site hosts the
original, so we both risk getting penalized by Google.

Instead, if you want to share my content on your website, record
your thoughts on what I’ve written. Then add a quote of 200
words or less from the article, followed by a link to the original
article. Then finish with a paragraph sharing your own

This allows your unique message to be shared while your readers
still have opportunity to read my post, and people have
opportunity to be doubly enriched!


(Special thanks to Michael Hyatt at and
Keith Webb at for guidance on permissions)

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